June 2018 in the Folsom Historic District - Bike Month, Thursday Night Concerts, & Hometown Parade

June…technically it isn’t summer until the 21st, but it feels like summer is here already. Warmer days, talk about water play at the Aquatic Center, stonefruits in in the market….

May was terrific. It was Bike YOUR WAY to Historic Folsom…did you notice? There were so many bike events and fun bike things to do, it was a blur of a month. We had a challenge at Karen’s Bakery Café: ride your bike EVERY DAY to work…several of us participated…it was fun to get back on the bike again and really, find out how easy it was to ride to work each day. The Mayor’s Ride was record breaking at 175 riders, and Amgen’s Tour of California was here again, lucky us!

Now June is upon us, and the summer begins to ramp up. First up, The Telegraph’s Best of Folsom awards take place on Thursday night. The winners are top secret, but I do know there are a lot of winners in the HD this year. That shows how hard everyone has been working to make The District a hub for Folsom…how lucky we are to have such a charming location as a core of our fair city.

The Twilight Thursday concert series has begun again. Every Thursday night during June and July in the HD Amphitheatre there is free music. The variety of bands is different each time, so there is something for everyone. Bring a picnic, or order food from one of our HD restaurants and bring it in....it’s a great summer kick off.

The Folsom Powerhouse is having their annual Powerfest on June 9th at 4:00…did you know that that site generated the first electric power for Sacramento,  and at the time it was the longest line west of the Misissippi? There were enormous celebrations in downtown Sacramento for this achievement…how terrific that we can still celebrate this preserved history! There will be live music, food trucks, and of course, plenty of history. Another fun fact…did you know that the Powerhouse was named one of the “Best Places to Picnic?”

On June 14th we celebrate a giant milestone…Light Rail’s hours have been extended…Light Rail will now come to Folsom until 11:30 at night! There will be a ribbon cutting, lot’s of VIP’s and dignitaries, a live band in the plaza, and businesses staying open late that night. This is truly history in the making…

We’ll have ballet in the Amphitheatre on June 23 and 24th: the classic Coppelia will be performed by Pamela Hayes Classic Ballet-two nights of beautiful dance and music.

On June 30th our Hometown Parade will take place, starting at 9:30 in the morning. This is lining up to be a real gem in our crown: this is our answer to the 4th of July Parade which we have missed so much. There will be lots of wild west fun! Cowboys and saloon girls, kazoo bands, soap box derby cars, dignitaries, sports stars….it’ll be a great parade, and will spill all over the HD for fun all day long. The Folsom PRO Rodeo starts the same day, so the HD will be buzzing with activity. Join us down here for a great way to get the summer off to a terrific start.

See you in the District!!!


Karen Holmes is the President of the Board of Directors for the Folsom Historic District and the owner-operator of Karen’s Bakery.
Originally posted by Folsom Historic District via Locable