September 2018 In The Historic District -Antique and Vintage Market, Folsom Live, and Electricity Fair

I try not to be political in my life. I like it when everyone gets along, takes care of each other and is courteous. I don’t care for grandstanding or political positioning. But once in a while something comes up that warrants a stand...

In November, Folsom voters will be asked to vote on Measure E, which is a half-cent sales tax being proposed by the City of Folsom. The money from this tax would all stay in Folsom (currently almost all of our sales tax goes to the state or county). This half-cent would be used for projects that will directly and exclusively enhance the City of Folsom. The city has worked very hard to take good care of a community that has entrusted it with some very heavy responsibility, and it has done a very, very good job (Best place to raise a family in 2016! – to name a one thing). I can say honestly that if you don’t put something in, you shouldn’t expect to get anything out. We have to be active in our support of our community, whether we pay taxes, participate in Community Service Day, or purposefully make decisions about where we shop. My hope is that this measure passes, and we can continue to reap the benefits of living in a community that supports itself. ‘Nuff said…I will not make this a political column. Thanks for bearing with me.

As soon as Labor Day is over, it seems like time takes on a warp speed…so here we go, an action packed fall with so many things to do and be a part of!

The Folsom Powerhouse will have its Electricity Fair on Sept. 8 at the State Park site (just at the end of Scott Street). This is a great opportunity to see how electric power changed the scope of our area. It’s also one of the most picnic-able sites in the Historic District. Bring a lunch and make a day out of it.

Also happening on Sept. 8 is the Folsom History Museum’s Antique Evaluation Day. It’s an opportunity to find out about that “treasure” you have. Details are at the History Museum’s website.

The Antique and Vintage Market will once again take over Sutter Street on Sept. 16. This is an event that has been going on since 1966. That is history, right there! Stroll the street, pop into Snook's for an ice cream, or Samuel Hornes Tavern for a beer, find treasures of all kinds.

Folsom Live will be on Sept. 22. That’s always a big event in the district, and one that brings lots of fun and great music. We are very, very happy to be grounded in great music in the district, so this is a premier event. Get your ticket early, as they sell out quick.

A new event that is coming to the district is on Sept. 30. It will be a Live Art event happening on the sidewalks around the historic Depot Building. There will be 15 artists with big canvases, each creating their own painting. The public is invited to wander through the area and watch the artists at work. All the paintings will be sold on that day, with the proceeds going to restore the big mural on the corner of Wool and Sutter. Think of it as Live Art for Arts Sake!

Enjoy the change of season….fall is happening.

P.S. Super, super, special event coming in October: The Soap Box Derby is coming!!! Oct. 13-14!!! Watch for details.


Karen Holmes is the President of the Board of Directors for the Folsom Historic District and the owner-operator of Karen’s Bakery.
Originally posted by Folsom Historic District via Locable